The major materials used for rectification
of defective wearing course, but are not limited to the following.
- CRS 1
- Asphalt
The major equipment used for rectification
of defective wearing course, but are not limited to the following.
- Asphalt cutter
- Double drum roller
- Lorry
Management and Control
Safety precaution will be taken
complying with the Road Work Traffic Control Manual. Every precautions will be
taken avoid any damages to adjoining properties.
Method and Procedures
Following procedure will be used to rectify the damaged wearing course.
The locations of the defective places will be
observed and find out jointly with Engineer.
Then the cut wearing course to a width of 500
mm using Asphalt cutter and remove existing wearing course.
The cutting to be done continually to include all small patches ( cracks
) as to suit site condition.
The tack coat will be spread evenly and lay hot mix asphalt according to
the slope and levels.
Then the steel plate roller and PTR applying consequently to get the required
Rectification of Damage Wearing Course
Reviewed by E Plus
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