


  • Responsible for Attending Management Review Meetings and progress review meetings.
  • Responsible for timely valuation of work and submission of the invoice to the client.
  • Attending meeting with Client / Engineer and inform the matters discussed to the Director and site staff for the necessary action.
  • Organizing and reviewing 5-S program at site.
  • Taking responsibility for reviewing supplier /Sub-contractor performance and reporting at Management meetings.
  • Reviewing and approving work plans prepared by Construction Manager.
  • Monitoring the standards of workmanship of employees & Providing Work Instruction to the staff including skilled and unskilled workers.
  • Collecting and forwarding data relating training needs of the staff members for management review meetings when necessary.
  • Initiating Training of Personnel and establishing and maintaining records of training given to the employees of all categories.
  • Fixing responsibility on lapses and giving verbal or written warning to the particular employee.

  • Responsible for planning & monitoring, of construction programme in accordance with master program.
  • Prepare monthly construction programmes.
  • Represent meeting with the client/ Engineer relating to the Planning matters.
  • Prepare material requirement schedule as per the project plan in consultation with the Project Manager.
  • Submission of daily work program, inspection / test plan to the Engineer.
  • Control the progress and quality of works.
  • Setting monthly and weekly targets to the subordinates.
  • Overall safety management of the site.
  • Monitoring progress against the master program.
  • Ensuring conduct of work according to project specification and drawings.
  • Over looking implementation of Quality Assurance Systems related to works.


  • Responsible for performing all test related in approval sources.
  • Engaged in field testing and preparation of test reports daily.
  • Perform regular testing of materials as specified in the specifications.
  • Preparation of monthly test summary for monthly progress report.
  • Represent meeting with the client/ Engineer relating to the Quality assurance matters.
  • Responsible for the site Quality checks of all materials used for permanent works.
  • Random checking for dimensions and accuracy of the formwork, reinforcement and etc. prior to concreting/ before the consultant’s inspection.
  • Report at management review meetings on Quality matters and authorisation and amendments to Site Quality Assurance Procedures in consultation with the Project Manager.
  • Reviewing and control of work instructions and forms.
  • Holding master copies of all quality related documents.
  • Approval and maintenance of suppliers’ list to Identifying the type and frequency of inspection and tests to be carried out on material during and after production and instructing laboratory officer with respect to same.
  • Responsible for the timely calibration of testing machines and equipments Also Reviewing equipment calibration/service record cards monthly Identifying non conforming equipment and taking action on labelling same.
  • Retaining brochures, manuals or other documents supplies by the manufactures of inspection testing and measuring equipment.
  • Responsible for giving non conformity report for improper site works.
  • Taking responsibility for the evaluation of corrective procedures and closing of non conformities.
  • Identifying the problems relating to the quality of the product or the site quality management system.
  • Taking over all responsibility for identifying and initiating training Programmes on quality system.

  • Identification of key activities and relevant EMAP areas.
  • Preparation of EMAP.
  • Routing checks to conform weather the issues are mitigated in the prescribed manner.
  • Arranging training programs to develop skills of the staff
  • Preparation of list of obstructions such as trees / archaeological monuments which are to be disturbed by the construction
  • Reporting of construction activities which are adversely affecting to the environment to the Project Manager & senior highway engineer for advising site staff.
  • Take day to day actions to answer the short term environmental issues and guide the relevant persons accordingly.

  • Implement the quality control documentation procedures for all activities and maintain a recording system
  • Maintenance of environmental related documentations and formats.
  • Follow the traffic management procedures introduced in the EMAP.
  • Provide safety precautions where necessary especially at night.
  • Make sure correct safety gears are using all the time by the works
  • Taking prior approval for traffic management from relevant authorities

  • Maintenance of machinery in good condition as per the service schedule.
  • Check and maintenance of the quality of out put of the machine to control the negative impacts such as noise, smoke...etc



  • Responsible for all surveying work.
  • Surveying and Setting outs of road centre line & cross sections in every 10 m interval or at closer interval when road has horizontal curves.
  • Engaged in field surveying and preparation of surveying books daily.
  • Perform frequency checking about the control points as specified in the specifications.

·         Responsible for preparing and Timely submission of monthly Interim Statements.
·         Responsible for preparing rate break downs for new work items and unit rates in consultation with the Project Manager.
·         Responsible for joint measurements of all construction.
·         Material reconciliation for every billing period
·         Measurements of Sub-contracts work and certification of their works
·         Supervision of preparation of measurements for certificate of approvals daily and submit to the Consultant for approvals


·         Prepare Work schedules and detailing the subordinating staff.
·      Delegation and instructing sub contractors for qualitative & quantitative production as per the master construction program.
·         Responsible for the road works of the construction with quality requirements & safety of all machinery, Equipment & men at site.

·      Checking for dimensions and accuracy of the moulds at pre determined intervals for the compliance with the tolerance limits.
·         Organizing and scheduling of customer/ client inspection of items, which require prior approval.
·         Joint Inspection of all road works and getting the approval from the consultant/ client.
·         Prepare daily work plan and detailing the subordinating staff and sub contractors.


·    Attending the Site Meetings and delegating/ explaining to the workers the maters relating to the respective area of work.
·     Assisting the Site engineer/Technical officers for the execution of work & timely completion of the works.

·         Checking dimensions, levels and accuracy of the field works before starting the work against the check lists.

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