
Bitumen Extraction Test


After taken samples from the asphalt plant, this test was used to find out the bitumen content of the asphalt concrete, to make sure the correct content of bitumen has been used in the actual mix.


Sample was selected from dump truck which is in the site and then it was put in to the oven. Sample size was depended on maximum aggregate size of the mixture and capacity of the Extraction equipment. About 1250g sample was collected as capacity of the bitumen extraction equipment. That was put into the bowl of the machine and some petrol also added.(About 5l of petrol had to use for complete extraction) Then the bowl was covered by using a special filter paper, which was oven dried nearly 140 0C and had weighted (12.7g) and the system was closed by steel cover and tied.

After some time, the machine was “on” (it is rotating while discharging bitumen mixed with petrol) and the discharge of petrol and bitumen mixture was collected from the outlet at bellow. Continuously petrol was put into the system through the top hole of the machine until the bottom outlet gives pure petrol.

Then the retained sample was collected and put into the oven and the filter paper also put. After that both are weighted. Using calculation, we can obtain the bitumen content of the sample having bitumen content 3.9%. Then the retained sample was analyzed from sieves having mesh sizes from 25mm-0.075mm as per the lab sheet.


Bitumen Extractor Machine

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At 11:07 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 11:10 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 11:13 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

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At 1:15 PM , Blogger Chanwill said...

nice info about bitumen extraction test

At 3:35 PM , Blogger Petra Oil Bitumen said...

Nice Information...., Bitumen Manufacturer


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