
Rock Blasting

1. Introduction and General Information

This method statement provides the details of the materials, the equipment, the procedure and relevant documents related to the Rock Blasting activity, including the quality control verifications, the measurement verifications, and also the safety precautions to be implemented for this work.
1.1. Location of Works

The location of the rock blasting works will be limited to selected areas bound within the Right of Way (ROW).

2. Materials
The major materials used for the rock blasting works include, but are not limited to the following.
  • Explosive
  • Dynamite
  • Electric Detonators
  • Ammonium Nitrate
  • Barricade Tapes
  • Warning Boards
  • Sand bags
  • Metal plate
3. Equipment
The major equipment used for rock drilling and blasting works include, but are not limited to the following.
  • Jack Hammers
  • Air Compressor
  • Circuit tester
  • Tamping rod
  • Siren
  • Tractor
  • JCB
  • Other minor tools
4 Man Power
Man Power used for rock drilling and blasting works include, but are not limited to the following.
  • Mining Engineer
  • Supervisor
  • Blasting Forman
  • Skilled labor – 02
  • Unskilled – 04.
5. Safety Management and Control

5.1 Control of Fly Rock
  • In the areas where the fly rock needs to be controlled, the charged boulders will be covered using a metal plate, used tyres and Sand Bags.
  • Drilling direction will be selected in accordance to avoid Fly Rock flying on to houses.
5.2 Warning Procedure to the Resident, Workers and Any Other Parties
  • Siren will be used before the blasting start.
  • Closing of all entrance before blasting.

6.0 Method and Procedures

Method and procedures for rock blasting works are as follows.

Before the commencement of the work, the Engineer will be notified of the areas where rocks are to be blasted. Accordingly, the Engineer will inspect the area for approval before commencement of the works.

6.1 Rock Drilling
Rock drilling will be carried out by jack hammer.
Hole depth less than or equal 1m, 1 hole /one boulder if boulder <2m3
Hole diameter: 32mm to 39mm
6.2 Blasting Rocks

6.2.1 General
Blasting will be executed in accordance with existing laws and regulations in Sri Lanka. Relevant permissions will be obtained from the designated authorities before work start.
Approval from the authorities will be obtained for storage of explosives. From our past experience, magazine houses have been required to be located inside nearest police station.
All blasting operations will be carried out under close supervision of the Mining Engineer, Safety officer. Only competent persons who have experience and knowledge in handling explosives will be appointed to take charge of the blasting operations at each blasting location. Explosives will be transport with police supervision.
6.2.2 Inspection and Joint Survey
Before the commencement of work a request will be made to the Engineer to conduct a joint survey and measurements of the rock which are to be blasted.

6.2.3 Charging:
Dynamite and Ammonium Nitrate will be used to charge holes.1m-depth hole will be charged with 40g of Dynamite and 150g of Ammonium Nitrate. Electric detonators will be used to initiate the primer.
Hole charging and initiation

  • Dynamite piece with a long Ignite Cord or leg wire will be carefully inserted down to the bottom of the hole.
  • Measured amount of Ammonium Nitrate will be then added.
  • Subsequently, the rest of the hole will gradually be filled with soil (particles not larger than 5mm) and slightly tamped with a lightweight timber or PVC pipe.
  • Protections will be introduced to control fly rock.
  • The Ignite cord will be curtailed allowing a length of 1 to 2m from the top of the hole.
  • Electric detonators all leg wires are series connected and will be fired using an exploder.


Rock Drilling Using Jack Hammer

6.2.4 Firing Time and Number of Holes Per Time
Time :
Boulder blasting will be done between 10:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs in the week days except poya and public holidays.
Number of Holes Per Time :
Using Dynamite
A maximum of 25 holes per time
Using Electric Detonators
We anticipate firing a maximum of 200 blasts holes per time. This will be done as maximum 10 holes per 25-millisecond delay.
7 Quality Control
Several inspections and verifications will be carried out as described in the above method and procedures to ensure that the steps adopted are fully complied with during rock blasting as well as the all steps will be taken to fully compliance with the Environmental Method statement.
All blasting work will be done with the approvals of relevant authorities.

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At 1:57 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Any interest in Electronic detonators?

At 3:14 PM , Blogger W m wijethunga said...

I used rebar belts & send begs

At 3:15 PM , Blogger W m wijethunga said...

I used rebar belts & send begs

At 3:16 PM , Blogger W m wijethunga said...

I used rebar belts & send begs

At 11:43 AM , Blogger ayden jameson said...

Hi! I read your blog. Its so nice.EXPANDO is an expansive mortar chemical that cracks rocks and concrete. It is a concrete cutting, granite breaking and general demolition solution. This non-explosive demolition agent is easy to use, cost effective and a safer option for silently breaking up hard materials like rock or concrete. Simply drill, mix and pour.Non Explosive Demolition Agent

At 9:17 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Pls send me chemicle blasting method statement

At 10:02 AM , Blogger sandeepa said...



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