Method of Plastering.
- Internal plastering on surfaces of brick and concrete.
- External wall plastering.
- Soffit plastering / Soffit finishing with cement based easy plaster material and wall putty.
- Improving joint of brick walls & structural concrete joints.
Internal Plastering on surfaces of Brick and Concrete.
- Surface where plastering is to be done will be cleaned.
- Level pegs on walls will be fixed with reference to the off lines to brick walls set out in floors. (Using centre plumb bob and nylon thread).
- All the brick walls will be watered before pasting mortar on walls.
- First coat mortar filling (1:4 Cement and Sand) upto 15 mm will be applied on surfaces where required mortar thickness exceed 25mm.
- Walls and columns will be plastered 1:4 Cement and Sand to achieve semi rough finished surface.
- Vertical joint of structural columns / walls & brick walls will be treated by fixing 200mm width chicken mesh with wire nails / concrete nails by centering the mesh to the vertical wall joint.
- All the embedded service lines and provisions (Conduits, Boxes and etc. ) will be completed on brick walls and check with the MEP drawings.
- Joints between walls and beams will be formed up to a maximum of 20mm and will be sealed using 30 minutes fire rated flexible filler. (Material descriptions will be submitted for the approval of the Engineer)
- Internal plastering on surfaces of concrete columns, beams & walls which are aligned with surfaces of brick walls will be plastered and other concrete surfaces will be finished with cement base easy plaster. (Material descriptions will be submitted for the approval of the Engineer).
External Wall Plastering.
- Alignment and fixing level pegs on external wall surfaces will be done using the surveying instrument / centre plumb bobs.
- Projections on the wall surfaces will be chipped off and cleaned after completing the level pegs on walls.
- First coat mortar filling (1:4 Cement and Sand) upto 15 mm will be applied on surfaces where required mortar thickness exceed 25mm.
- Cement paste on concrete surfaces will be applied to improve the bonding of plaster to the concrete surfaces.
- Maximum width of 20mm horizontal grooves between walls and beams will be formed by cutting using grinders with diamond wheels after plastering the wall surface. This groove will be filled with approved weather sealant.
- External wall plaster will be finished with rough surface.
- 1:10 slope at the external side of the window sill will be formed while plastering the window reveals.
Soffit Plastering / Soffit Finishing with Cement Based Easy Plaster
The slab soffits and beams' sides and soffits which are to be smooth surfaced painted finished will be smoothen with easy plaster (Material literature will be submitted separately) and places where concrete surfaces are uneven, will be roughen & leveled with cement and sand mortar plaster before applying easy plaster to make surface smooth.
Improving Joints of Brick Wall & Structural Concrete
- 200mm wide Chicken Mesh will be fixed at the joint.
- Concrete surfaces will be washed and cleaned.
- Concrete surface which are to be plastered will be roughen or put spot cement slurry.
Quality Controlling & Quality Assurance
- Experienced supervisory staff will be employed for carrying out the work.
- Selected masons will be engaged for plastering work.
- Vertical and alignment of walls will be checked while plastering.
- Mixing of mortar will be done under the supervision of foremen.
- Sieved sand will be used for plaster.
Working platforms with hand rails and cat walk ladders will be fixed to access and work at higher levels.
Workers will will be provided safety helmets.
Safety belts will be provided for all employees who work at higher level plat forms.
Labels: Building Construction, Building Projects, Civil Engineering, Civil Projects, Method Of Statement
Very good post , indeed helpful thanks
Its one of the helpful posts on internal and external plastering. Those who are not so aware of the method can get full idea from here including when it is needed patching holes and when not and many more.
Now this is something really unique, I really needed these and can guide my friends and family about the same, carry on yes, keep us updated, this was a little less information so please keep this in mind and provide more of such information.
Silica Utah
Blogs are very good ways of exchanging the information and I love to read posts and sometime some blogs give me so much of knowledge and easily service product to provide.
Brick mortar mix.
it is good , and it would be better if u mention along with curing period, which makes the major role.
Hi ,
I am having issue of plastering on smooth concrete wall ( columns & Beams ) . 2 to 3 days after plastering , I knock it and sound like air inside ( not stick to that walls ) . Any idea ?
Is there any Code or Specific Specification for Groove Cutting in External Plastering Work?
that is important but no too mch guide for new comers again thank for nice opinion.
I have just started my career in Plastering. That's really great to information me. Thanks & keep sharing more....
Nice information...
The people are very lucky to have this blog because it has better knowledge.
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The plastering are not able to set on the smooth surface. Usually beams and columns don't need to plaste the surface.
good info about cement mortar ratio for various civil work
I really like your information about. Plastering work
Good information regarding plastering keep going on
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Civil Projects: Method Of Internal And External Plastering On Brick Walls And Concrete Surfaces >>>>> Download Full
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Civil Projects: Method Of Internal And External Plastering On Brick Walls And Concrete Surfaces >>>>> Download Now
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Civil Projects: Method Of Internal And External Plastering On Brick Walls And Concrete Surfaces >>>>> Download LINK
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Civil Projects: Method Of Internal And External Plastering On Brick Walls And Concrete Surfaces >>>>> Download Full
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تعمل شركة الرحمة لخدمات المسابح على توفير كافة المقومات التي تساعد على أن تكون المسابح بجودة عالية أثناء إنشاءها وترميمها وصيانتها لذلك تعد شركة الرحمة أفضل شركة صيانة حمامات سباحة في مصر الجديدة لانها توفر خدماتها في أقل وقت ممكن بالاضافة أنها بأقل الأسعار مقارنة بالشركات الأخرى.
يساعد علاج غرغرينا القدم السكري عند الدكتور محمود ناصر افضل دكتور قدم سكري في تسريع عملية الشفاء والتئام الجروح الناتجة عن الإصابة بالعدوى، حيث يحتوي الغرغرينا على عوامل علاجية تساعد على تحفيز عملية الشفاء وتحسين صحة الجلد.
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