Water Consumption for Different Purposes
Water has always played a prominent role in human civilization. When people first began settling in one place and growing crops for sustenance, it was invariably near water sources like rivers, lakes, or groundwater springs. Water is regarded as commonplace because it is the most plentiful liquid on earth. and for decades people used water as though there. Supply would never fall. Water may be common place but useful water is not always readily available in many parts of the world today.
Drinking water means water for human consumption and hygiene. Drinking water can come from both surface water and ground water.
People needs Water for
- Drinking
- Preparing food
- Bathing
- Cleaning and
- a variety of other tasks
The water sources used for supplying water were not always clean however and treating drinking water to improve smell taste, clarity, or to remove disease-causing pathogens has occurred in one form or another throughout recorded history. The safety and accessibility of drinking-water are major concerns throughout the world.
The health risks may arise from consumption of Water contaminated with infectious agents, toxic chemicals and radiological hazards. Improving access to safe drinking-water can result in tangible (visible) improvements to health.
The Per Capita Demand and the Factors Affecting the Per Capita Demand
It is the annual average amount of daily water requirement by one person and Includes the domestic industrial commercial, public & waste. it may be expressed as lpcd (liters per capita per day).
The per capita demand based on annual average daily consumption per person.
Per capita demand per day (Ipcd) = Total yearly water requirement of the city In liters /(365 x Design Population)Factors affecting the per capita demand
- Size of city .
- Climatic condition
- Habits of people
- Industrial & commercial activities
- Quality of water
- Pressure in the distribution system
- Development of sewage facilities
- System of supply
- Cost of water
- Policy of water consumption
- measurement (Metering)
- Method of charging (tariff-slabs)
Types of Water Demands
Domestic Demand : Depend on three main factors
Type of Connection → House Connections, stand Posts (45 lpcd)
Type of Area → Urban, Rural
Climatic Condition → Wet, Dry
Non Domestic Demand
- Government Institutions
- Shipping & ports .
- School - Day Schools (15-30 ipcd) / Boarding Schools (90-140 lpcd)
- Hospitals (220-300 Ipcd)
- Public places — e.g. Parks, bus stands
- Other offices.
- Industries - Water based Industries / Non-water based Industries
- Commercial Institutions
- Tourist Hotels
- Restaurants
- Shops
- Service Stations
- Cinemas
- Religious Institutions
- Losses
- Fire Demand
Accountable Water = Domestic Demand + Non- Domestic Demand
Un-Accountable Water = (12-20%) of accountable Water
Labels: Waste Water Engineering
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